Logo design

Let them see your best!

I designed over 80 logos

...and most of my clients wan­ted more.

Battle of Fort M logo design
Cine Qua Non logo design
Bradonna logo design
Lime logo design
Architektura Ogrodów logo design
Be My Drone logo design
Fly High Tour logo design
Hip Hop Arena logo design
Jaglanka logo design
Platform of Composed Education logo design
WBW Freestyle and Beatbox Battle 2011 logo design
Beatbox Guru logo design

What if?

From time to time I take part in logo design com­pe­ti­tions, desi­gning logos for big govern­ment orga­ni­za­tions. Regar­dless of the result, it's a gre­at excer­ci­se in design.

Pracodawcy Rzeczpospolitej logo design
Sejm logo design
Instytut Obywatelski logo design
Polska Wieś logo design

What is a brand book?

A brand book con­ta­ins a pre­ci­se pre­sen­ta­tion of the logo in all ava­ila­ble forms, a safe zone aro­und the logo, color and font info as well as tips on how to use the logo.

Here's an exam­ple, based on a brand book for "Music is for eve­ry­one" Foun­da­tion. I took part in a logo con­test and unfor­tu­na­te­ly I didn't win, but my logo was in the top 10. I've had lots of fun desi­gning it.

wersja kolorowa i czarno-biała logo oraz jego przekaz

color and black and whi­te ver­sion of the logo and its' main asso­cia­tions

kolory CMYK i RGB (w razie potrzeby Pantone) oraz font

CMYK and RGB colors (plus Pan­to­ne if needed) and font

spójność z innymi logosami organizacji

cohe­ren­cy with other logos of the gro­up

wizualizcja logo na plakacie

visu­al repre­sen­ta­tion on a poster

wizualizcja logo na wizytówce

visu­al repre­sen­ta­tion on a busi­ness card


Much more than just a logo — a brand is a cohe­rent com­mu­ni­ca­tion with clients on all fields. Whe­ther it's a websi­te, fly­er, social media page or a pro­mo video — all ele­ments need to be cohe­rent!

wizualizacja broszury Pernod Ricard
wizualizacja broszury Pernod Ricard

Personel Welcome Book

I desi­gned the Per­so­nel Welco­me Book for an inter­na­tio­nal spi­rit com­pa­ny Per­nod Ricard. A welco­me bro­chu­re, ID and seve­ral gadgets, based on cur­rent ava­ila­ble brand book of the com­pa­ny.

wizualizacja broszury Pernod Ricard
wizualizacja broszury Pernod Ricard
Pernod Ricard personnel welcome brochure
Pernod Ricard - smycz
Pernod Ricard - gadżety

Let's do business!

or ema­il me: patryk (at) este­tycz­ny (dot) net