Packaging design

Aesthe­tic, func­tio­nal and eco-frien­dly.

In 2007–2009

I've desi­gned a lot of pac­ka­ging in a Chi­ne­se-Polish public tra­ded com­pa­my Ath­le­tic SA with over $100m annu­al reve­nue.

Multi-washer packaging design


I've done hun­dreds of them. I've mana­ged pro­duct pho­to ses­sions, along with ligh­ting and post-pro­duc­tion.

CB Radio - packaging design


I've desi­gned lots of pac­ka­ging. The design grids were sent to Chi­na for pro­to­ty­ping. Later we fine-tuned the pac­ka­ging befo­re sen­ding it off for mass-pro­duc­tion.

Notebook Hasse - Packaging design


I've cre­ated hun­dreds of icons illu­stra­ting the quali­ties of nume­ro­us pro­ducts as well as usa­ge instruc­tions and pro­duct illu­stra­tions!

packaging illustration design
packaging illustration design
packaging illustration design


I've design the colors, fonts and brands for who­le ran­ges of pro­ducts.

Bathroom scale - packaging design

User Interface

I've desi­gned nume­ro­us ele­ments of the softwa­re of our devi­ces.

GPS - packaging design

Let's do business!

or ema­il me: patryk (at) este­tycz­ny (dot) net