Print design

From busi­ness cards to bil­l­bo­ards — I will design eve­ry­thing you want to print.


For years we've been desi­gning posters for par­ties, art posters and social posters for design con­te­sts.

Business cards

Busi­ness cards for your com­pa­ny, gift cards, mini-maps and eve­ry small print form ima­gi­ne­able.


We design fly­ers, restau­rant menus, wed­ding invi­ta­tions — you name it. Your info will be pre­sen­ted cle­ar­ly and taste­ful­ly.


Commercial posters

I design posters for vario­us music pro­jects, from phil­har­mo­nic con­certs to hip-hop gigs.

Sentido del Tango poster
MC Battle poster
New Deep Deep Disco poster
Djembe Young poster

Socially engaged posters

I design posters for social­ly enga­ged pro­jects, and some even win awards.

In the Ado­be Cre­ati­ve Search 4 Ide­as -a design con­test pro­mo­ting the "Don't waste food" idea I took 2nd pla­ce in the social cam­pa­ign cate­go­ry. The con­test had 648 con­te­stants.

My desi­gns for a social cam­pa­ign get­ting young people to vote, have been among the best and were display­ed in the Cra­co­vian Bar­ba­kan area.

Social evolution Billboard

Business cards

Karta miejska Ostrołęka
Wizytkowki Bradonna


Rede­sign of Tifo­ne Piz­za fly­er from War­saw, Poland.

old Tifone flyer
new Tifone flyer

frag­ment of a Fjord Nan­sen tourist equ­ip­ment cata­lo­gue

katalog Fjord Nansen

fly­er for a beat­bo­xing websi­te

ulotka zegartiktaka

Let's do business!

or ema­il me: patryk (at) este­tycz­ny (dot) net